Edit Details for each product

When editing individual product listings, within the ‘Manager Current Product Data’ page, you may come across some terms and field requirements that you are unsure of. Hopefully, the below explanations will help clarify some of the technical terminologies.
Available Date: This provides users with information on the date that the product is available for purchase.
Barcode: This is the unique barcode that matches each product. Providing this information to the Product Manager System will help ensure all platforms are working together and stock levels are accurate.
Buying Cost: Here, users can see the cost that they have bought each product. This is useful when determining the markup percentage and to see the profits that will be made on each product.
Bin Location: This is the storage bay/bin where the product is being held, this value shows up on the warehouse app when picking orders.
Manufacturer: Provides information on the manufacturer and brand of the product. The manufacturer can be chosen by clicking on the arrow for the drop-down menu.
Market Places: This page provides capabilities for users to edit the content on the Amazon and eBay listing. The listing name and description can be edited by double-clicking in the text bar and typing in the desired content.
You can also edit the listing in each market place by clicking on the ‘Amazon’ or ‘Ebay’ tab. This allows the user to select the category the listing will be made in on these platforms, e.g. sporting goods. It also allows users to edit the quantity and selling cost of the products on these sites. If you would like this information to be posted on upload, simply tick the ‘Post on Upload’ box.
Furthermore, on the eBay tab, you can select the duration that the product is listed for. This is a reflection of the selling platform on eBay being based on auction and helps to sell products on eBay efficiently and successfully.
Meta Title: This is the title of the product page on the website, it is extremely important for SEO – at worst, it can be a copy of your product title, must be unique for every SKU 
Meta Description: A short description of the product for the website, this is also extremely important for SEO – at worst can be a copy of a few lines of the content, must be unique for every SKU
Price Override: Sometimes manufacturers will not let you display a price on a website, this can be used to replace the price with text, example: ‘Please call for a price’
RRP Cost: Recommended retail price is the suggested retail price of the product and provides a comparison of the average market price of your product to your selling price.
Selling Cost: Is the price that the product will be sold at to customer.
Selling Offer Cost: If a product is currently on offer, The price will cross out the Selling Price and display the offer price below.
Shipping: Under this section, you can provide extensive details on the shipping methods for your product. You have options to choose your delivery methods from in-store collection to various methods and companies that can be used for delivery. Furthermore, you can add information on the package weight, height, width and depth. This is easily entered by double-clicking in the text bar and typing in the current measurements for the product.
SKU Content: SKU content is the product description attached to the SKU code. This can be edited by double-clicking on the content you wish to change and type in the changes. Within this page, you can also add a short description to your product which can be edited by double-clicking in the text bar and typing in the desired content.
SKU Details: SKU details is a page within the ‘Edit Details’ section in the ‘Manage Current Portal Data’ page. This page allows users to edit the stock SKU, manufacturer, web category, title, meta title, meta description, available data, variation one and two labels, and price override.
SKU Images: Here you can upload pictures of your product that will be attached to your listing. You can upload an image by clicking on ‘New Upload Image’ button. Here you must select an assets folder and images to upload by clicking on the drop-down menus. Once the image has been selected click on the ‘Save New Images’ button to add it to the SKU images.
You can also choose the thumbnail image that will appear next to the product listing, by clicking on the action drop-down menu and selecting the ‘set as thumbnail’ option.
SKU Options:
SKU Specifications:
Stock Level Action: This is a drop-down menu which allows you to select the current action for the stock. I.e. is the product out of stock? Can it be pre-ordered? Is the product due to arrive in store? Etc.
Stock Level: Provides accurate information on your total inventory levels for each product.
Stock SKU: SKU is a code that identifies each individual product. Each code is unique and matches to one product only.
Tax Exclusive: Provides information as to whether tax is included or excluded in the final price.
Title: This is the name of the product that is displayed on the website and the searchable text when searching a product with in the POS system.
Variation One: Provides information on different variations of the product. This may be colour, size, style, gender specific, etc.
Variation One Label: Provides a title for the variation of the product. For example, size or colour. The label can be changed by double clicking in the text bar and typing the new title
Variation Two: Provides information on different variations of the product. This may be colour, size, style, gender specific, etc.
Variation Two Label: Provides a title for the variation of the product. For example, size or colour. The label can be changed by double clicking in the text bar and typing the new title.
Web Category: This is the category that your product will be listed in across Amazon and Ebay. The more specific the better to ensure multichannel sales success. This category can be chosen by clicking on the ‘Select a Category’ Button, which will present you with options to choose the products web category.