Facebook Shopping Feed
To show your products on the Facebook shopping channel, complete the steps below. 

The URL required below is: https://your-domain-name/GoogleProductFeed.xml

Upload a new data feed to a catalogue

To upload a new data feed to your catalogue:
  1. Go to Commerce Manager and select your catalogue.
  2. Open the Catalogue tab and go to Data sources.
  3. Select Add items. If a drop-down appears, select Add multiple items.
  4. Select Data feed followed by Next.
  5. Choose how to upload your file. 
  6. Select Use a URL: Provide the link to your file saved on your server or a hosting website such as Dropbox or Google Drive.

Use a URL

To upload a file hosted on your server or on a website:
  1. Enter the URL where your xml file is hosted. When you've finished, select Next.
  2. Choose an hourly, daily or weekly upload schedule for your data feed. Select Next.
  3. Review your data feed's settings. Select  to make any changes. The default currency will only be used if prices in your file don't include a currency code.
  4. Select Save Feed and Upload.
  5. If your feed has any field (column) naming issues, you may see these listed. For example, there might be a misspelled field name or one that we don't support. Under Column issues, if you have any entries here please contact your developer.
You've uploaded a new data feed from a URL. Your data feed now appears in Data sources. You can select it to see an overview or manage its settings. To update your items in the future, edit your file and save it again on your hosting website. We'll fetch it from its URL to update your catalogue at your scheduled times. You can edit your schedule or request a single upload sooner in your data feed's settings.